More exclusives from Colin and Jimmy, as they get their paws on Delicatessen, Heavy Stereo, Fluke and about 15 other singles. Boy do they hate Belly, they also take the cars and music metaphor a bit too far for our liking, miaow boys. Plus albums from the old man of rock Neil "sod CD's" Young, Verve, Buffalo Tom, Scarce and many many more come under the devastating wit and irony of our dynamic duo (FX - heavy on the irony please waiter.
The Live section aka "the Glasto Section". You do call it Glasto don't you? Well we do. We took the whole team down in the rage Uno to the green fields of Glastonbury, got cold, got sunburnt, bathed in music, schmoozed with the stars (Robbie from Take That is UGGGLLLYYYY !!), sampled the beer, and got generally tired and emotional. Not to mention very jealous, just how do the Boos afford a silver Ferrari ? Have they got a good day job or what ?. Oh and the prize of the festival goes to Gene's Mr Rossiter for his glorious tripping over the monitors stunt, we laughed (whatever you do don't mention the Smiths, I mentioned it once, but I think I got away with it) Oh and Colin gets to review the King of the Surf guitar, ladies and Gentleman give a big hand to Dick Dale.....
Get updated fast with the UK's first in-depth nationwide round-up of the dance scene. We check out the latest dance singles and albums arriving in your stores now !! Gareth Lancaster reviews the new singles from Aphex Twin, Bandalu (it's so good he's wants their babies), lambasts MR C's Plink Plonk re-mixes, flips his wig to Tribal Drift, gets orgasmic over children of the bong, and EVA, samples some cheese from the appallingly monikered Jake Slazenger, and falls in love with a 10" SINGLE ! This section gets weirder by the second.......Keep taking the tablets Gareth (or rather stop taking them quite so often).
We take a quick look at what's new in all the performing arts that aren't football or loud indie music, and why not ? and why not add Japanese Manga/Anime for good effect ?
We take a look at the cult of the Batman, Jelbert takes a look at London's amusement arcades and gives them a mark out of ten. Karen Trevelyan reviews Hot Mikado at the Queens Theatre, Shaftesbury Avenue, and gives us a general rundown of what to expect in theatre for the next few months. Something new for rage is our new Manga/Anime section, Jesper Bart gives an overlook at just what is this weird Japanese cult, and then we look at a few of the latest releases. Including the latest Tank Police video which features a storyline about urine stealing baddies, I've heard about taking the piss but this ridiculous Rebecca Blaber also takes a look at the best books for you to take to the beach. "To the batpoles Robin"
This month we come over all arty. We meet up-and-coming film star Jez Butterworth who's currently starring in his own play Mojo at London's famous Royal Court theatre, check him out he's going to be big, move over Tim Roth. We also look at Butch Boy a controversial book from author John Anstiss. Nyack sounds to us like a bizarre disease but to a town outside of Manhattan it's home, it's also the name of the feature band. Hasi investigates just what makes Nyack tick.
It ain't Mystic, Meg. Our own Gypsy Rose Lee gets the teapot out and delves into your future; plus Dr Struckof peers into your emotional drawers and asks "were you always like that ?",and "has it always been that big ?". This is also where we put the credits for the magazine, so if you want to know who's writing this garbage then download away.
You are viewing an archive of rage magazine from 1995-96 All copyright belongs to rage magazine. Email All copyright belongs to rage magazine. Email