We take a look at the latest band to hop out of a B-Movie, Laughing
We look at all that's best in the indie singles including stuff from Pulp, Portishead, Stone Roses, Laibach and more. In the album section we take a look at the new ones from Scott Walker (yes he is still going), Teenage Fanclub, Collapsed Lung, Jeff Buckley and more. We also get a review of Delicatessen, and the latest gig guide for London. Plus a destined to be a classic, guest star review of Seattle based Mad Season. Who said Microsoft were the only interesting thing in Washington State ?
Get updated fast with the UK's first in depth nationwide round-up of the dance scene. We check out the latest dance singles from Underworld, Plug 1, Bushwaka, Three thieves and a liar and more. Plus we have albums from Banco de Gaia, the Aphex Twin, Globo and more. And catch up on all the latest gossip. Plus the latest information on a few major festivals coming up this summer, including the World's biggest outdoor rave !!!! And a cut-out-and-keep quick guide to the London pirate radio frequencies.
Books - Bathtime Frolics
If you haven't dipped into a book for awhile, catch up on one of these star readers, from Lynne Truss, Thom Jones, and Bridget O'Connor.
Film - Drew Barrymore anyone ?
We take a quick look at Drew's new film Boys on the side, plus Exotica, Legends of the Fall, and Tim Roth's newie Little Odessa
Theatre anyone ? oh so it's just me then
We look at the footie play Our Boys and ask would Gary Lineker like it, or would he just prefer a kickaround in the park instead.
Is this an internet first ? We take a look at the new pinball machines arriving in your arcade this summer, and wait for it there's a Baywatch machine .
Christ it's poetry
Slammin and jammin hot from the clubs of London, it's the new Rock n'roll, or is it ?
The "we didn't want to but we had to" award this month goes to our Tank Girl feature, God bless all who sail in her or as she would say "Winnets Fart hole gristle......" We take a look at the cartoon riot gurl from a womans view.
In the second of our series of 70's cartoons revistited we journey on the high-seas with Captain Pugwash and the shipmates of the Black Pig, and kill some myths while we're at it.
Jackie O, she's dead but her style lives on, Why ?? we rip her to shreads, and see what she was made of.
Oi who are you calling a Goth ?? If you like the Sisters of Mercy as they used top be then get down to the Goth heaven of Whitby and join the goings on in the Whitby Gothic Weekender in September.
It ain't Mystic, Meg. Our own Gypsy Rose Lee gets the teapot out and delves into your future; plus Dr Struckof peers into your emotional drawers and asks "were you always like that ?", and "has it always been that big ?".
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