The Buzz
Who's on the way up
Earthling - Pick up where Portishead and Massive left off, cool vibraphone sound mixed with an ounce of reggae. But having said all that I'd ignore their current single it's dull.
Ruby - So where did she hide her voice all those years ? Check her skull for a 666, whatever the pact you made with Uncle Nick was Andrea it was worth every moment, you must give me his phone number.
Marion - Can't wait for them to get that album out.
Northern Uproar - Manchester Boys with attitude "Rollercoaster« should be big, go out and buy it on the 9th of October.
Spooky - Stereo
Not Stereolab, but damn near in sound, this South London duo are the dogs bollocks
What's going down
Videos - Videos with sounds added, the Michelle Gayle video with the authentic disco noises, do us a favour just stick to the song, and keep one thing in mind. Do you remember the worst thing about "Ebony and Ivory" apart from the song, Michael Jackson, and Paul McCartney, yes, the God awful video ! complete with intro and outro homily truly sick making.
BPM - Simultaneously the best dance program on the TV and the worst dance program on the TV. The lazy sods didn't recognise Thomas Heckman track. White label my arse, it was Phosphere off the Carl Cox FACT CD boys.
Yello - Boris NOOOO you maybe the originator of Swiss house but if you were to walk into my local rave I'd have to say NOOOO. Remember folks anything sounds good if you play it at 120bpm and you get 3 grand for the remix
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